# New: Riverside.fm controls & quality of life improvements: the MuteDeck v2.9 & browser extension v4.0 release
MuteDeck v2.9 and v4.0 of the Google Chrome and Firefox extensions are here, bringing support for Riverside.fm, fixes for the bring to front and custom actions. Lets dive in!
# What's new in MuteDeck v2.9
# Support for Riverside.fm podcast sessions
Podcasters can now control their Riverside.fm recording sessions directly through MuteDeck, adding another useful integration to your meeting control toolkit.
With this new integration, you get complete control over your Riverside sessions using your favorite control deck. Toggle your microphone, camera, and screen sharing with a single button press. You can also manage recording controls without having to hunt through the Riverside interface during a live conversation.
Podcast hosts juggling guest introductions, show notes, and sound effects can now do so without breaking their flow. Having dedicated physical buttons for each Riverside function means you can maintain eye contact with guests or stay focused on the conversation instead of clicking through browser windows.
# Renamed active application "Google Meet" to "Browser Extension"
Under the "Active Applications" setting, where you can determine which meeting apps MuteDeck scans for, we've renamed "Google Meet" to "Browser Extension" to clarify what that setting actually does.
The browser extension has supported more than just Google Meet for a while, and now includes this big list:
- Google Meet
- Web version of Zoom (opens new window)
- Web version of Microsoft Teams
- StreamYard
- GetStream.io
- Riverside.fm (new)
# User interface improvements
Version 2.9 addresses several interface issues:
- Fixed window resizing when selecting a new button size.
- Improved visual elements throughout the interface, making it more friendly to use.
# Google Chrome and Firefox extension v4.0 updates
# Added Riverside.fm support
Matching the main application update, the browser extension is the part that powers the support for Riverside.fm.
# Fixes & improvements
The extension update also brings:
- Fixed issues with sending custom actions on Windows
- Fixed the "Bring to Front" action, which now selects the meeting tab and brings the browser window to the foreground
- The popup now shows a helpful message when you're on an unsupported website, replacing the confusing empty status indicators for mute, video, and other controls.
# Ready for your next meeting!
Both updates are available now and ready to install. You can use the built-in updater in the MuteDeck app, and the browser extensions should be updated automagically. You can also update the extension manually, here's how (opens new window).
If you encounter any problems or have suggestions for future improvements, please let us know through our support channels. We build MuteDeck based on your feedback and appreciate hearing how we can make it better for your specific needs.
Quick note to prevent any confusion: due to a last minute change on Riverside.fm, the MuteDeck app version is actually v2.9.2, and the browser extensions are v4.0.2.